GMF will execute comprehensive maintenance of Peru’s first underground metro system

GMF has been awarded the contract for the comprehensive maintenance of Line 2 of the Lima and Callao Metro, Peru’s first underground metro line. The project, which will run for 25 years, is being carried out with the assistance of Metro Madrid.

Specifically, the work will include three areas: maintenance of the passenger rolling stock, maintenance of auxiliary railway vehicles and maintenance of the facilities required for the execution of the project.

The comprehensive maintenance of the passenger rolling stock includes the daily checking of trains before the start of commercial service. It also includes preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance of the train units in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, as well as other general overhauls and technical cleaning.

In addition, GMF will be responsible, among other functions, for planning regular maintenance and inspections of the auxiliary railway vehicles, and for carrying out repairs as necessary.

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